Watch  The Wind Rises 2013 Full Movie In HD Online Free

Watch The Wind Rises 2013 Full Movie In HD Online Free

Stream The Wind Rises 2013 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: The Wind Rises
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 2h 6m
  • Rating: 7.8
  • Genres: Animation, Drama, Biography
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Summary The Wind Rises 2013

A look at the life of Jiro Horikoshi, the man who designed Japanese fighter planes during World War II.

Jiro dreams of flying and designing beautiful airplanes, inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Caproni. Nearsighted from a young age and unable to be a pilot, Jiro joins a major Japanese engineering company in 1927 and becomes one of the world's most innovative and accomplished airplane designers. The film chronicles much of his life, depicting key historical events, including the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the Great Depression, the tuberculosis epidemic and Japan's plunge into war. Jiro meets and falls in love with Nahoko, and grows and cherishes his friendship with his colleague Honjo.

An aviation-obsessed engineer named Jirô Horikoshi (Hideaki Anno) has loved the aesthetics, spirit, and science of flight for as long as he can remember. For years he's been designing and building his dream plane, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero, and it's finally completed. But Jiro's dreams come crashing down when he learns, to his horror, that his creation will be used for combat in World War II..

Synopsis The Wind Rises 2013

In 1918, Jiro Horikoshi is a young Japanese boy growing up with his mother and young sister. Jiro has very poor eyesight (hence his Coke bottle style glasses), which gets in the way of his dream to become a pilot. He spends much of his time reading aviation magazines and fending younger kids off from bullies at school. One night Jiro has a vivid dream of Giovanni Battista Caproni, an Italian aeronautical engineer. Caproni becomes his mentor and friend in following dreams, and Jiro begins to notice that the man loves building planes, but that he frowns upon the use of "beautiful dreams" for war or violence.

Fast forward about eight years or so, and Jiro is a young adult, on his way by train to university, where he'll study to become an engineer. While riding outdoors, the wind lifts his hat up off his head, where a beautiful young girl catches it. She's there with her maid, and they exchange a friendly greeting with Jiro, but don't give their names. Soon after, the town they're riding through is hit by a brutal earthquake. The girl's maid breaks her ankle and can't walk, so Jiro offers to carry her away from the de-railed train before the ensuing explosion and fire can hurt them. He leaves soon afterwards without giving his name. Through engineering school, Jiro acts somewhat eccentric, eating fish every day just so he can study the curve of the bones and not socializing much. He eventually befriends Honjo, a fellow student. Meanwhile his little sister, Kayo, decides she'd like to go to medical school, training to become a doctor. Jiro receives a package at school wrapped in purple cloth, which he discovers is his slide ruler that he used to brace the broken ankle of the woman he saved during the earthquake, as well as his shirt, which he brought water in. Realizing that it must've been the girl and her maid from the train who dropped it off, he rushes into the street to thank them, but there's no sign of them being there.

In 1927, Jiro is hired at the Mitsubishi Corporation to design a more compact, modern and streamlined fighter jet. He has no idea how the planes will eventually be used, but remembering Caproni from his dreams, he dedicates his skills wholeheartedly. His boss, a curmudgeonly dwarf named Kurokawa, at first finds him foolish but soon develops a fondness for him thanks to his intricate airplane designs. Honjo, also employed at the corporation, remains a close friend to Jiro, and together they work on the Falcon, the fighter plane that will supposedly aid them in bring peace by helping in the war effort. Bothered somewhat by the implications of this, Jiro finds himself looking to Caproni for guidance more often. During a test flight, the Falcon breaks apart in mid-air, and Jiro becomes frustrated by Japan's backwards technology, which utilizes mostly wood and canvas instead of metal. Him and Honjo are sent to Germany together to learn about the fellow country's modern technological advancements.

Germany seems radically different from the quaint atmosphere of Japan. Jiro and Honjo are amazed by the Junkers G.38, an airplane made entirely from lightweight metal. While at the factory where it's being stored, they're surprised to find that the German guards are incredibly hostile towards them both, however Hugo Junkers, the owner, cheerfully allows them aboard the new plane. Jiro marvels about how many people the plane could hold, and he thinks it could have much better purposes than for use in the war. He dreams again of Caproni, who tells him that the world is a better place because of planes, but that mankind will inevitably use them for sinister purposes if they feel like they can win with them.

Jiro and Honjo return to Japan. Jiro begins working with Kurokawa on a new fighter plane, plus he gets promoted to chief designer. Again his designs fail, much to his disappointment. In 1933, he spends his summer at a hotel resort in rural Japan, where he runs into a familiar-looking young lady. While out painting, she loses her umbrella in the wind, but Jiro catches it and returns it to her grateful father. The girl, whose name is Nahoko, turns out to be the girl whose maid was saved by Jiro during the earthquake. Nahoko reveals during a walk through the rain with Jiro that the maid now has two children, and that she cried with joy upon learning what Jiro's real name was during the time that he was in engineering school. Jiro and Nahoko befriend a kindhearted piano player, Mr. Castorp, another guest at the hotel. Castorp, secretly a Soviet spy who fled from Germany, admits to Jiro that he disapproves of the Nazi Regime's cruelty and carelessness, and also warns him that Junkers, the airplane factory owner from Germany, is in grave danger for going against Hitler's views on war and the Holocaust. Soon after, Jiro gets permission to marry Nahoko despite her tuberculosis.

Returning to his career, Jiro is told by Kurokawa that the Japanese Secret Service is seeking him out as an enemy of their German allies. Several of Kurokawa's friends have also been arrested, so Jiro goes to live at his boss' house until the suspicion dies down. He writes to Nahoko, and discusses with her how Mr. Castorp was wanted for being a traitor to Germany. He prays their friend has escaped the country safely, knowing what sort of fate would await him if he were caught. Nahoko comes to visit the Kurokawa household, where reluctantly Mr. Kurokawa weds them both in a traditional ceremony. Kayo, now a doctor, visits her brother, but cautions him that the marriage is ill-advised because of Nahoko's likely short life she has left. As Nahoko gets more sick, she still continues to enjoy her time with Jiro, and she and Kayo even become close friends. While Jiro returns to work, finally creating a successful design, Nahoko passes away in a sanitarium.

In 1945, Jiro's design for the "Mitsubishi Zeroes" is used, but much to his horror, he discovers that the planes are used for suicide missions by Kamikazes. In his dreams, he is haunted by the sight of thousands of the ruined planes being destroyed in fiery explosions, much like Caproni was haunted that his Italian aircraft designs were used for mostly destructive purposes. Caproni reassures him that even though his planes were used for evil, aviation itself is beautiful. Nahoko's spirit also comforts him, telling him to try to live his life to the fullest.
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Watch  The Spectacular Now 2013 Full Movie Online Stream

Watch The Spectacular Now 2013 Full Movie Online Stream

Streaming The Spectacular Now 2013 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: The Spectacular Now
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 1h 35m
  • Rating: 7.1
  • Genres: Drama, Comedy, Romance
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Summary The Spectacular Now 2013

A hard-partying high school senior's philosophy on life changes when he meets the not-so-typical "nice girl."

Sutter Keely lives in the now. It's a good place for him. A high school senior, charming and self-possessed, he's the life of the party, loves his job at a men's clothing store, and has no plans for the future. A budding alcoholic, he's never far from his supersized, whiskey-fortified thirst-master cup. But after being dumped by his girlfriend, Sutter gets drunk and wakes up on a lawn with Aimee Finecky hovering over him. She's different: the "nice girl" who reads science fiction and doesn't have a boyfriend. While Aimee has dreams of a future, Sutter lives in the impressive delusion of a spectacular now, yet somehow, they're drawn together.

Charismatic, well-meaning, and the life of the party, the kind-hearted high school senior, Sutter Keely, makes great efforts to hide himself behind a carefree but ephemeral present, and a jumbo fast-food, booze-spiked soda cup. However, after a night of hard-partying and an unpleasant break-up, Sutter will wake up in a random front yard, where Aimee Finicky, his bookish and unpopular classmate, finds him during her regular newspaper-delivering route. Polar opposites, still, attracted to each other, can there be a spectacular future for Sutter and Aimee?

Tim Tharp's unsentimental tale of adolescent frustration comes to the screen in this comedy-drama following the story of a sociable high-school senior whose self-delusion shattered by his emerging friendship with an unpopular classmate. Sutter Keely is one of the most popular kids in his class. Outgoing and fun-loving, he's completely oblivious as to what awaits him beyond high school. Lately, however, his drinking has started to become a problem. So when Sutter's girlfriend breaks things off, he reaches for the bottle without hesitation. Awakening in the grass under the gaze of studious, practical-minded nerd Aimee Finicky, he isn't quite sure how he got into such a predicament. Over time, however, the two teens who couldn't be any more different on the surface realize they have more in common than either ever suspected.

Synopsis The Spectacular Now 2013

The film opens with a high school senior, Sutter Keely(Miles Teller), in his darkened bedroom sitting at his computer composing an over-due essay required as part of a college application. The question asks him to speak of a hardship that he has faced and how he triumphed over that adversity. The answer he enters describes how his 'Idealic life as the charismatic "Life-of-the-party" teen' was upset over loosing his hot, equally popular girlfriend Cassidy. The film then flashes back through some quick scenes confirming his lampshade-on-is-head persona that explains why he is always invited to every party, but no one takes him seriously, including Cassidy.

Sutter decides it's time for his long-time friend to "Hook-up" with a girl, and uses his ability to obtain alcohol to win the attention of two attractive fellow students, one of whom he places next to his friend before sending them off alone. Sutter returns to his car with the other, as they sit bored waiting for the boat to return, Cassidy finds them and confronts Sutter, accusing him of cheating and calls off their relationship. The mix up is clear and should be easily rectified, but at next week's party, Cassidy has already moved on to a new boyfriend who she explains has direction, is a sport star and serious student.

Upset over the loss of Cassidy, Sutter drives off driking profusely and wakes up to find he passed out in a stranger's lawn. It is at this point that Aimee(Shailene Woodley) wakes up Sutter to check if he's alive. While she knows his name, she explains that she travels in a crowd that he has never felt any need to get to know. Aimee explains that she must return to her paper route, which he does because the funds help pay the family bills, a job her mother is too lazy to do her self. Sutter offers to drive in her car and help, a request she declines till he explains that it will help her as well as help him find his car that he was too drunk to remember where he left it.

Aimee is happy that this popular boy is paying attention to her, and Sutter is trying to convince her that she actually is an attractive girl. Sutter falls for the ever shy Aimee, surprising some of his friends in the process. However, Sutter's partying is not helping his GPA, and he desperately tries to charm a likable math teacher into not failing him. He asks Aimee if she would be able to tutor him, and Aimee happily accepts. Aimee is slowly growing to love Sutter, but he continues to text Cassidy, lacking the same commitment Aimee has for him. However, Sutter invites her to several parties, and eventually takes her to prom, thinking he is helping her grow out of her shell. After prom Sutter and Aimee have awkward and cute love scene, and Aimee loses her virginity to Sutter.   His mother, who works double shifts as a nurse to support him and her is unwilling to take the steps to address a son who is on a path of self-destruction. She is obsessed about keeping him from attempting to contact his long lost father, a man that Sutter believes his mother wrongly cast out of the house and his life. When Sutter confronts his sister, who has married a wealthy lawyer, she reluctantly hands over the dad's phone number. With Aimee along for moral support they drive 4 hours to visit the father who smiles and says a few of the right things but clearly embodies every negative trait of Sutter. Disappointed and drunk to avoid what's haunting him, Sutter again is behind the wheel of his car, with Aimee by his side. Large quantities of whiskey and beer diminish one's ability to drive safely and his car crosses the yellow line just avoiding a deadly crash. Aimee, while shaken, is only concerned with his condition, and tells him it's okay, she still loves him. Sutter is so certain that he is unworthy of love that he demands that she get out of his car while telling her that he is no good for her. When she finally does exit, she is instantly hit by a speeding car. This results in a broken arm.

Sutter, after seeing he could have killed Aimee, continues to think he is unworthy of love and slips deeper into the bottle and into depression. Throughout the movie he speaks of "living in the now", and this moto proves to stem from Sutter's reluctance to come to terms with his past, and inability to plan for the future.

Aimee has a plan to go to college in Philadelphia where they can share an apartment while Sutter attends community college. On the night when Aimee is set to step on the bus to Philly, Sutter avoids her phone calls.

It returns to the opening scene with the same essay question on the screen, only now his answer reflects the self realization that his greatest hardship has been self imposed. After realizing that he could fix what he has done, he goes to see Aimee at college, and they reunite.
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 Kill Your Darlings 2013 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Kill Your Darlings 2013 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Streaming Kill Your Darlings 2013 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Kill Your Darlings
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 1h 44m
  • Rating: 6.5
  • Genres: Drama, Romance, Biography
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Summary Kill Your Darlings 2013

A murder in 1944 draws together the great poets of the beat generation: Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and William Burroughs.

In the early 1940s, Allen Ginsberg is an English major at Columbia University, only to learn more than he bargained for. Dissatisfied by the orthodox attitudes of the school, Allen finds himself drawn to iconoclastic colleagues like Lucien Carr, William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac. Together, this gang would explore bold new literary ideas that would challenge the sensibilities of their time as the future Beat Generation. However, for all their creativity, their very appetites and choices lead to more serious transgressions that would mark their lives forever.

Synopsis Kill Your Darlings 2013

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Watch Streaming  Despicable Me 2 2013 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Streaming Despicable Me 2 2013 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Streaming Despicable Me 2 2013 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Despicable Me 2
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 1h 38m
  • Rating: 7.3
  • Genres: Adventure, Animation, Comedy
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Summary Despicable Me 2 2013

When Gru, the world's most super-bad turned super-dad has been recruited by a team of officials to stop lethal muscle and a host of Gru's own, He has to fight back with new gadgetry, cars, and more minion madness.

While Gru, the ex-supervillain is adjusting to family life and an attempted honest living in the jam business, a secret Arctic laboratory is stolen. The Anti-Villain League decides it needs an insider's help and recruits Gru in the investigation. Together with the eccentric AVL agent, Lucy Wilde, Gru concludes that his prime suspect is the presumed dead supervillain, El Macho, whose his teenage son is also making the moves on his eldest daughter, Margo. Seemingly blinded by his overprotectiveness of his children and his growing mutual attraction to Lucy, Gru seems on the wrong track even as his minions are being quietly kidnapped en masse for some malevolent purpose.

The ex-villain Gru is raising his daughters Margo, Edith and Agnes and researching a legitimate jelly and jam business with Dr. Nefarion and the minions. Meanwhile, a laboratory in Arctic is stolen by a powerful aircraft using magnetism. The Anti-Villain league (AVL) agent Lucy Wilde recruits Gru to help her agency discover who has stolen the laboratory and its research. They know that the thief has a store in a mall, and Gru suspects that the owner of the Mexican restaurant Salsa & Salsa, Eduardo Perez, may be the villain El Macho that is presumed dead.

As Gru, the despicable former super-villain with a heart of gold, gradually settles into a new life of fatherhood and jelly-making with his adorable three girls, Agent Lucy, of the covert Anti-Villain League organisation, calls for action. Now, with the highly experimental transmutation serum stolen by a mysterious, fiendish perpetrator, Gru reluctantly gets back in business, following on a string of hot-and-spicy leads. But is Gru, the once-infamous criminal mastermind, humankind's best chance at saving the world from a delirious madman and his irrepressible need for global dominion?

Synopsis Despicable Me 2 2013

A secret laboratory near the Arctic Circle is stolen by a mysterious vehicle using a giant magnet. The Anti-Villain League (AVL) recruits former super-villain Gru, now a devoted father to Margo, Edith and Agnes, to find out which evil person stole the lab, which contained a powerful mutagen known as PX-41 which can make indestructible and extremely aggressive monsters out of living organisms because Gru, being an ex villain knows how villains work but refuses. Gru learns that Dr. Nefario, his friend and assistant, has decided to leave him for new employment, because he "missed being evil." Gru reluctantly partners with undercover AVL agent Lucy Wilde, and together they search The Paradise Shopping Mall, where they are given a bakery called "Bake My Day" as their headquarters. Gru suspects Mexican restaurant owner Eduardo Perez of being a super-villain called "El Macho", a bad guy who became Gru's inspiration for a villain who supposedly died after skysurfing a TNT-laden shark into the center of an active volcano. Gru and Lucy break into Eduardo's restaurant at night, but only find a jar of secret-recipe salsa and nothing to prove that Eduardo is the culprit. Meanwhile, Agnes expresses her wish of having a mother someday and suspects that Gru will fall in love with Lucy. Gru tells her that his relationship with Lucy is strictly professional.

Gru and Lucy investigate wig merchant Floyd Eagle-san, but Gru is still suspicious of Eduardo. After the investigation, Gru is set up on a horrible dinner date with a woman named Shannon, who notices Gru's wig and threatens to humiliate him. Luckily, Lucy bumps into them and rescues him from the date by shooting Shannon with a tranquilizer dart. They take Shannon home, and after they say good night, Gru realizes that Agnes was right: he has romantic feelings for Lucy.

The next day, the AVL arrests Floyd Eagle-san (who claims that he was framed) because an almost-empty mutagen jar was found in his shop. The investigation is closed, and Lucy is reassigned to Australia. Before leaving, Lucy gives Gru her lipstick taser to remind him of her. This leaves Gru heartbroken because he loves her, but he cannot find the courage to ask her out on a date. Instead he brings the girls to Eduardo's Cinco de Mayo party and finds proof that the Mexican restauranteur is in fact the super-villain El Macho. Gru discovers that he (and his helper, Dr. Nefario) have captured and mutated a large number of Gru's minions using the PX-41, turning them into insane, savage purple-furred monsters. El Macho plans to send rockets full of mutated Minions to major cities and achieve world domination. El Macho emphasizes that he and Gru could team up and they would become evil again followed by ruling the city, but Gru avoids answering and leaves with his daughter Margo, who in the meantime has broken up with Eduardo's two-timing son, Antonio, who had left Margo for another girl. For breaking Margo's heart, Gru uses his freeze-ray to freeze Antonio in a block of ice.

On her flight to Australia, Lucy realizes she has feelings for Gru, so she jumps out of the plane and hang-glides down to the party. She is captured by El Macho, who knows she is an AVL agent after Pollito, his pet chicken, retrieves her AVL ID badge from her purse. Fortunately Dr. Nefario lets Gru know what is happening. In order to rescue Lucy, Gru visits El Macho along with two minions covered in purple cupcake frosting, pretending he was captured by two of the mutant creatures. Fighting alongside his daughters and Dr. Nefario, Gru and his team spray all of the mutated minions with awful-tasting jelly containing a powerful antidote that Dr. Nefario made, whereupon they revert to their friendly yellow state. El Macho then takes the mutagen himself, but Gru and Dr. Nefario easily overcome him using a fart gun and Lucy's lipstick-taser.

Lucy is, however, already strapped to a TNT-loaded shark rocket. Gru starts to untie her, but the rocket-launch remote button is pressed by El Macho's pet chicken Pollito. The rocket flies towards the same lava-spewing volcano where El Macho had previously faked his death. Lucy accepts Gru's invitation for a date, and the pair dives into the safety of the ocean seconds before the rocket enters the volcano.

One hundred and forty-seven dates later, Gru and Lucy are married and Margo, Edith and Agnes finally have a mother. The minions close with a rendition of "I Swear" (sung in minionese as "Underwear") and "Y.M.C.A" while the whole family dances. Then, a purple furry minion shows up, surprising the family.
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 Horns 2013 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Horns 2013 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Watch Horns 2013 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Horns
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6.5
  • Genres: Drama, Comedy, Crime
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Summary Horns 2013

In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to find strange horns sprouting from his forehead.

After Iggy's long-time girlfriend is murdered and the whole town agrees he is the killer, he awakens one morning with horns and the townspeople soon confess their sins. Once knowing the sins of the people, he is facing the true killer of his beloved girlfriend.

Small town inhabitants accuse Ig Perrish of killing his sweetheart, Merrin Williams. Even his parents believe he is guilty. Only his childhood friend and lawyer Lee Tourneau believes Ig is telling the truth. Then, out of the blue, Ig sees horns sprout from his forehead but soon finds these a blessing as people now confess their sins and inner dark desires to him. Ig uses the horns to discover who the killer of his beloved girlfriend is.

In the aftermath of his girlfriend's murder (of which nearly the whole town judges him guilty), Ig Parrish finds horns growing out of his head. To his disgust, people now reveal their innermost secrets before the presence of these horns. He decides to use their special influence (and a growing number of snake followers) to find the real killer, leading to the discovery of both the real killer and the reason why his girlfriend broke up with him the night he was going to propose.

Distraught and with a heavy conscience, Ignatius Perrish finds his little world forever shattered, when he becomes the prime suspect in the gruesome murder of his childhood sweetheart, Merrin. Ostracised from the community as an unrepentant killer, Ig wakes up after a long night of binge-drinking to discover that a pair of gnarled and menacing horns have sprouted up in his forehead, possessing a new set of superhuman powers that can bend the free will of everyone around him. Now, unspeakable desires and abysmal secrets come to light, as, more and more, Ig renounces his former self. Can Perrish use his infernal authority to unearth the truth?

Synopsis Horns 2013

Ignatius Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) was always seen by the people in town as an outsider. None of that mattered to him, because he was in love with Merrin Williams (Juno Temple). They are lying beneath a tree in the woods kissing. She asks him if he's horny. He says he's getting there. Ig promises to love Merrin for the rest of his life. She just wants him to love her for the rest of hers.

Ig wakes up lying on the floor clutching a bottle of vodka. He groggily goes into the living room and puts on a David Bowie record to play "Heroes". He sees Merrin dancing for him. Outside his window is a news van and many angry protesters, holding signs that condemn Ig to hell. Merrin has been murdered, and everyone thinks he did it.

Ig calls his lawyer friend Lee Torneau (Max Minghella) for help. He then goes to his family's home for sanctuary from the press. Ig's brother Terry (Joe Anderson) wants to help Ig clear his name. Their father Derrick (James Remar) has sought a lawyer for Ig, but all the other lawyers want Ig to take a plea, while Lee knows he is innocent. Lee later comes over to join his friends. He tells Ig that any evidence found on Merrin's remains were burned in a forensics lab, thereby leaving Ig with nothing to prove his innocence. Ig vows to find the real killer and finish him off.

Ig goes to a bar where the bartender refuses to serve him because the other patrons are afraid of him. Glenna (Kelli Garner), an old friend of Ig's, takes pity on him and pours him a drink. She offers to go have a drink with him, but he wants to be alone.

A large gathering of townspeople come together for a vigil around the tree where Merrin's body was found. Her father Dale (David Morse) tearfully talks about his daughter and also accuses Ig of killing her. Ig watches from a treehouse above them. After everybody leaves, Ig stomps on a statue of the Virgin Mary and then pees all over the candles. Glenna catches him and tells him to calm down. Ig blames God for not caring about Merrin when she needed help.

The next morning, Ig awakens after sleeping with Glenna to two horns protruding from his head. He gets dressed and asks Glenna if she notices the horns. She does, but doesn't react beyond a laugh. She sees a box of doughnuts on the coffee table and asks Ig if she can eat all of them. He says yes, and she stuffs one in her mouth. It makes her stomach feel bad, and she washes it down with Diet Coke. Yet she still wants to eat the whole box because, as she casually tells Ig, she wants to get fat because everybody thinks she is trash and that nobody would sleep with her unless they were drunk like Ig was.

Ig goes to the doctor to get the horns checked out. A little girl is screaming in the waiting room while her mother sits and does nothing. The mother tells Ig that she wants to kick her daughter's ass, divorce her husband, and go have sex with her black golf instructor because she prefers "black cock". A disturbed Ig goes to the receptionist and gives back the form he had to fill out. The receptionist tells Ig that she just wants to tell the mother to shut her kid up. She asks Ig if he thinks it's okay and he says yes. The receptionist gets up and yells at the mother to take her "screeching pig" out. The mother angrily yells at the receptionist and goes up to her. Ig grabs her arm and gets a peek inside her mind. He sees the woman having sex with her golf instructor and dealing with the screaming daughter at home. The little girl also tells Ig that she hates her mother and wants to burn her in her bed with matches.

Ig sees the nurse. She is checking his blood pressure but is fixated on his horns. She tells him that she knows her boyfriend is seeing another girl. The doctor comes in and sees the horns but doesn't bother dealing with them and instead tells Ig that he wants to have sex with his daughter's friend, and then offers to snort oxycontin with Ig. Ig just tells him to saw the horns off. The doctor puts Ig under anesthesia and he passes out.

We see a flashback to when Ig was a child and he first saw Merrin in church. She shined the light reflecting off her cross necklace in Ig's direction. Derrick tells him it's morse code. After the service, he finds Merrin's necklace, broken.

Later on, Ig would hang out with Terry, Lee, Glenna, and another kid named Eric by the docks. They lit off cherry bombs and talked about Merrin, to whom Ig is attracted, which upset Glenna because none of the other boys seemed to really notice her. After lighting off a number of cherry bombs, Eric tells Ig he'll give him his last one if he rides down a log rail in a cart naked. Ig takes the challenge and rides off into the lake, hitting his head on a log. The logs come together, trapping him underneath. Lee jumps in and rescues Ig. Eric is forced to hand Ig the cherry bomb.

Lee fixes the cross necklace and gives it to Ig in exchange for the cherry bomb. Ig gives it back to Merrin and starts hanging out with her. Ig learns that Merrin's mother passed away from cancer. They go back to his house and listen to David Bowie. Terry runs in and tells Ig that the cherry bomb blew up in Lee's hand. They run to the hospital where the boy has lost two fingers. He does feel happy seeing Ig and Merrin together. Ig later confesses to Merrin that it was Lee who fixed the necklace, and he blames himself for what happened to him. Merrin assures him that she left the necklace for Ig to find. They have their first kiss.

Ig wakes up to see that the doctor left the saw in the horn to have sex with the nurse right next to him. Disgusted, Ig leaves, only to see in the mirror that the horns have grown.

Ig finds a priest and asks for his help. The priest coldly suggests that he can get a rope and hang Ig, or Ig can do the deed himself. The only person that doesn't notice the horns is Lee. This makes Ig think the horns don't work on good people.

Ig goes to his parents' home and hears the truth from both of them - his mother thinks she would be happier if he wasn't her son, and Derrick always thought Ig was a difficult child, and that he hates Ig for supposedly killing Merrin, because she was the only thing that he loved about Ig. He also reveals that he had someone burn the evidence in the forensics lab. Ig calls Lee about this, who says it's probably a blessing in disguise.

Ig goes to the bar but is harassed by a gaggle of reporters trying to get a hot scoop from him. Ig tells them to fight each other, and whoever wins gets to interview him. The reporters then get into an intense brawl while Ig walks into the bar. The bartender threatens to hit Ig, but Ig tells him he doesn't want to do that. The bartender admits he wants to burn the bar down and collect the insurance money. Ig demands anybody in the bar to tell him if they know anything about Merrin's murder. The other patrons just admit more sinful things, and one man takes his pants off and whips his penis out. Ig leaves as the bartender lights the place up, and he walks past the reporters, still fighting.

As Ig sits in his car to have a smoke, he notices a small box in the glove compartment. In another flashback, we see that Ig was telling Lee and Terry that he was planning to propose to Merrin that night at the diner, and that the guys would join them to celebrate. Ig later goes to the diner to meet with Merrin, who looks melancholic. She tells Ig that she is moving to Los Angeles, which he thinks is a good chance for a fresh start. However, Merrin says they should break up and see other people to know if he really wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He thinks she is already seeing someone else. She starts to leave, and Ig gets up and loudly argues with her until the manager tells him to leave. Ig leaves without a fight, just as Terry starts to come in. The next morning, Eric (Michael Adamthwaite), now a cop, finds Ig sleeping in his car and asks him when he last saw Merrin. The fact that Ig asked if something happened to her only fuels Eric's suspicions.

Ig returns to the diner to talk to the waitress, Veronica (Heather Graham), who has been feeding the police false information about Ig on the night Merrin was killed. Veronica told the cops that Ig dragged Merrin into his car and took her into the woods to kill her before having anal sex with her. All of this so that Veronica can be featured on the news as a key witness.

Ig goes to the jazz club where Terry plays with his band. Glenna approaches him and admits that she was always in love with Ig, which he did already know. After the performance, Terry meets Ig outside and admits that he was with Merrin after Ig left the diner. Ig attacks his brother and, as he touches him, sees into Terry's mind to that night. Terry drove Merrin away from the diner, but she ran away into the woods in the pouring rain. The next morning, Terry woke up in his car with a bloody rock in his hand. He ran into the woods to find Merrin dead. He wrapped the rock in his shirt and threw it in the lake to avoid being implicated. After this, Eric and his partner come in and cuff Ig. The two cops then make crude jokes about beating Ig while they jerk off.

The next day, Ig finds Lee in town wearing Merrin's cross necklace. Lee denies it at first but then says she gave it to him. Ig breaks down, thinking Lee was the one that Merrin was leaving him for.

Ig then goes to Dale's home to try and see if he knew if Merrin was seeing anybody or mentioned leaving him, only to have Dale point a shotgun at him, ordering him to get off his property.

Ig goes down an alley to forcibly remove the horns, to no avail. A group of snakes slither on over to him, but they do not harm him. They slither onto him, and he is okay with it.

Ig walks past Eric and his partner in their car. They threaten to arrest him, but Ig says they would be happier sucking each other off. The two admit they're gay and that they love each other, and they proceed to make out and have sex. Ig then gathers the snakes and finds Veronica in her car. The snakes make their way into the car and bite Veronica all over her face and body, scarring her and ensuring that she can't enjoy a life of fame.

Ig, wearing the snake around his neck, goes to find Terry doing a lot of drugs. Ig forces Terry to do an enormous amount to trip out and eventually torture him with the same feelings that Merrin felt the night she died. Terry experiences a horrible trip and collapses.

Down by the docks the next day, Ig meets up with Lee. Ig removes the cross necklace from him, and Lee can finally see Ig's horns. And then he admits that it was HE who really killed Merrin. Ig chokes Lee and sees his memories. Previously, Merrin suspected that Ig was going to propose, and she asked Lee if it's true. He said maybe. Merrin recently learned some things about herself and didn't want Ig to be involved with it, so she confided this to Lee. On the night that Ig left the diner, Lee followed Terry and Merrin until they stopped by the woods. Lee found Merrin in there and tried to kiss her, but she pulled back. He thought she left Ig for him, but Merrin says she loves Ig more than anything in the world. Angry, Lee struck Merrin and raped her before cracking her head with a rock. He then planted the bloody rock in Terry's hand and fled the scene. Ig grabs a pitchfork and tells Lee to go turn himself in, but Lee grabs a chain and whips Ig in the back repeatedly. He pushes him in his car and douses it with kerosene, then sets it on fire. Unable to get out, Ig drives the car into the lake. Lee later tells the police that Ig confessed to killing Merrin before killing himself.

Ig emerges from the lake, terribly burnt but alive. He returns to Dale's home. Dale now realizes that Ig really didn't kill Merrin. He invites Ig inside and gives him a key that Merrin wanted him to have. Ig hands Dale her necklace, but Dale lets him keep it. Ig puts it around his neck, and then his burns heal and the horns go away.

Ig brings the key to the treehouse and opens a box with a note inside from Merrin. It's written in morse code, and it says that Merrin knew she was dying of cancer like her mother, and after seeing how it affected her father, she didn't want Ig to know about it since he would have only wanted to marry her more, and she didn't want him to live with her suffering. She does vow to find him again someday in the same treehouse. Ig cries.

Ig visits Terry in the hospital, recovering from his drug episode. Ig is sorry for what he did, and he tells Terry that Lee is the real killer and that he's going after him.

Ig goes to Lee's house and asks him to join him for a walk. They go into the woods to the spot where Lee killed Merrin. Eric appears with a shotgun aimed at Lee, followed closely by Terry, who told Eric about Lee. Lee appears to go quietly, but he trips Eric and grabs the shotgun and shoots Terry in the leg. Ig grabs the pitchfork and tries to pull the shotgun out of Lee's hand, only to aim it directly in Eric's face and blow his head off. Ig and Lee struggle, when Ig then takes off the cross necklace. He suddenly grows wings that lift him in the air, and then they catch fire. His whole body is consumed by fire until he morphs into a demonic creature with bigger horns. Lee shoots at Ig, who bleeds lava, but he charges at Lee and impales him with his horn and throws him against a tree. The snakes then come by and wrap themselves around Lee, and one snake slithers through the impalement wound and into Lee's mouth, gagging him to death. Ig, now having avenged Merrin, falls and begins turning to stone. Terry rushes to his brother's side.

The film ends with the opening scene of Ig and Merrin under the tree, suggesting they have reunited in death.
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Watch Streaming  Safe Haven 2013 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Streaming Safe Haven 2013 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Safe Haven 2013 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Safe Haven
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 1h 55m
  • Rating: 6.7
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller, Romance
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Summary Safe Haven 2013

A young woman with a mysterious past lands in Southport, North Carolina where her bond with a widower forces her to confront the dark secret that haunts her.

When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small North Carolina town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful, self-effacing Katie seems determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships: one with Alex, a widowed store owner with a kind heart and two young children; and another with her plainspoken single neighbor Jo. Despite her reservations, Katie begins to let down her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community and becoming increasingly attached to Alex and his family. But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark, haunting, terrifying secret that set her on a shattering journey across the country to the sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo's empathetic, stubborn support, Katie eventually realizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards . . . and that in the darkest hour, love is the only true safe haven.

A terrified woman flees her Boston home, having been in the possession of a bloody knife. After taking shelter with a neighbor, she heads to the bus station, crops and bleaches her hair, buys a bus ticket, and stops in the small town of Southport, North Carolina. At the general store, she introduces herself as Katie Feldman. After getting a job as a waitress, and renting a small house on the edge of town, Katie befriends her neighbor Jo and meets Alex Wheatley, a widowed father of two young children: Josh, whose relationship with him is strained, and Lexie, who helps him in the general store. Alex soon gives Katie a bicycle so she won't have to walk. Katie builds a new life and friendships with Alex's kids...and Alex. But has she really escaped her old life?

Synopsis Safe Haven 2013

In suburban Boston, a young woman (Julianne Hough) leaves her house after being shown in possession of a bloody knife. She is shown moments later buying a bus ticket, her hair now cropped and bleached, and stops at a small town called Southport, North Carolina. At the general store, she introduces herself as 'Katie'. After acquiring a job as a waitress and buying a small house on the edge of town, Katie befriends her next door neighbor, Jo (Cobie Smulders) and meets Alex Wheatley, (Josh Duhamel), the manager of a local convenience store, and his two children, Lexie and Josh. Alex's wife tragically died of cancer a few years prior.

Alex immediately takes a liking to Katie, doing small helpful things, such as leaving an old bicycle at her house. They go on a 'family' trip to the beach, and Alex asks her to go canoeing with him, after which, they fell in love with each other. Lexie immediately accepts Katie, while Josh is initially resistant, believing Katie to be his late mother's replacement, but eventually accepts her as well.

Meanwhile, Kevin Tierney (David Lyons), a Boston police officer, searches for Katie and, using his authority as a police officer, sends out reports saying that she is a wanted murderer. Upon seeing her picture in the police station, Alex confronts Katie and becomes angry that she didn't trust him enough to even tell him her real name, Erin. The picture flashes to Kevin's boss confronting him at work, pointing out he always carries a water bottle that turns out to be filled with vodka, and reveals that Erin was Kevin's wife. Erin/Katie was an abused wife of an alcoholic and sociopath police officer whom she left after he physically beat her a few too many times.

Directly afterward, Katie is shown packing while talking angrily with Jo. Alex drives over to Katie's house to talk to her, only to discover that she left. He drives to the nearest ferry and admits he's fallen in love with her and promises to protect her no matter what. Initially, Katie wants to flee but then she decides to stay in Southport and she and Alex help prepare the town for the upcoming Fourth of July celebration.

Later, Katie tells Alex that Kevin is her husband, whom she stabbed with a kitchen knife in order to protect herself from his drunken assault. Meanwhile, Kevin breaks into Katie's former neighbor`s home back in Boston and finds the phone number to the Southport restaurant that employs Katie. He finds the location and makes his way there, very noticeably drunk. Arriving just on time for the Fourth of July parade, Kevin begins his search for Katie through the crowd, belligerent and determined to confront her. He finally finds Katie and watches from a distance her dancing with Alex and watches as he leans over to kiss her, which makes him angry. Later, Katie has a dream that she is standing on the docks watching the fireworks when Jo comes up and tells Katie that "he" is here.

Katie wakes up in the convenience store next to a fast asleep Lexie. While she is walking around in the store, Kevin makes his appearance and confronts her, drunk and sobbing and asking her to talk. He asks her to come back to Boston with him, but she refuses and tells him to leave. He pulls out a revolver while Katie asks Lexie to stay up in the second floor of the store, scared that she might see Kevin and become frightened. Meanwhile, Kevin is pouring gasoline all over the store, with the intention of burning it down with Katie inside. He sits down on the steps with a lighter, deep in thought, and Katie fakes sympathy for him and agrees to return home with him, only to push him into the water by surprise. However, a firework spark lands on the gasoline, igniting a fire that spreads all over the store.

Alex, busy shooting off fireworks, sees the burning store and quickly makes his way across the lake by boat. He stands on the dock, pleading with Lexie to jump into his arms. After a brief hesitation, she finally does. Meanwhile, Katie is wrestling with a soaked Kevin who is attempting to shoot her. After a long struggle on the ground with Kevin holding the gun and Katie desperately trying to keep him from pointing it her head, she makes one last desperate grab at the gun and it goes off, killing Kevin. Soon after, Alex finds Katie and they embrace.

In the aftermath, Alex rifles through a desk, whose contents were spared from the fire, belonging to his late wife, where he finds multiple letters she prepared ahead of time for memorable events such as Josh's eighteenth birthday and Lexie's wedding day. Alex gives Katie a letter with the words "To Her" on the envelope. The letter talks about how if someone is receiving this letter, then Alex loves her without a shadow of a doubt. She says she is thankful for whoever is now reading the letter and thanks the reader for making Alex feel young and in love again. The movie ends by revealing that Jo, who had supposedly left town moments before, was actually the ghost of Alex's late wife.
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Watch  Beautiful Creatures 2013 Full Movie Live Stream

Watch Beautiful Creatures 2013 Full Movie Live Stream

Watch Beautiful Creatures 2013 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Beautiful Creatures
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 2h 4m
  • Rating: 6.1
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
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Summary Beautiful Creatures 2013

Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) longs to escape his small southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert). Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history, and their town.

Teenager Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) is obsessed with his urge to finish high school and go on to college in order to leave the small town of Gatlin, South Carolina behind, until a mysterious girl begins to inhabit his dreams. When he meets Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert), a newcomer who has just enrolled in his school, Ethan knows she is the girl in his dreams. Lena is rejected by the rest of her classmates for being the niece of Macon Ravenwood (Jeremy Irons), whom the town's superstitious residents consider to be a devil-worshiper. But Ethan gives her a ride anyway and they fall in love. Lena reveals to her new boyfriend that she is a witch, and that on her sixteenth birthday she will be claimed by either the forces of light or of darkness. She will remain in the light, but only if she does not remain in love with Ethan. To make matters worse, her evil mother, Sarafine (Dame Emma Thompson), is casting spells to push Lena to the dark side. Ethan joins her in a search to find a magic spell to save their doomed love. Will the lovers succeed?

This epic romantic fantasy tells the story of Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich), a young man who falls for Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert), a new girl in his small town, only to discover she comes from a mysterious family, all of whom possess supernatural powers. Together, they team up to break a curse.

Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert) has just moved to the small, southern town of Gatlin, where the only person who seems to understand her - or dream of bigger places or ideas - is a cute guy named Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich), who recognizes her instantly from the cryptic dreams he's been having every night. Lena is an orphan, and she's come to stay with her mysterious uncle, Macon Ravenwood (Jeremy Irons), the patriarch of her powerful family. Powerful, because The Ravenwood clan are Casters, born with powers that ordinary mortals don't have, like the ability to move objects, control the elements, and even step out of normal space and time to communicate only with each other. But just as Lena feels ready to open up to Ethan, she discovers that their love is in imminent danger, because when female Casters turn sixteen, their destiny as either good or evil is revealed. Unwilling to let her nature be dictated by forces outside of her control, Lena and Ethan set out together to uncover the strange, secret lore of their families' intertwined histories dating back to the Civil War, and figure out how to grant Lena the power to choose her own destiny.

Ethan Wate was born, raised and still lives in what he considers the backwater of Gatlin, South Carolina, where residents, as his mother, writer Lila Evans, used to say are too stupid to leave or too stuck to move. It is located next to an old Civil War battle site, Honey Hill, an annual reenactment of the battle which is organized by the Civil War Society at Christmas. He does expect to leave when he goes to college, those to which he is applying being as far away from Gatlin as possible. He is still mourning Lila's recent death in a car accident in the spring, Amma, a family friend and the town public librarian, acting as his caregiver in a promise to Lila. Many of who are considered the leading families of the town hide behind the church for their narrow-minded views, those families including that of Emily Asher, who Ethan dated up until the end of the last school year. They started growing apart as one of the things Ethan has started doing is reading books banned by the local church. In what is the start of his junior year, he has a new classmate in Lena Duchannes, shunned by Emily and her like in Lena being the niece of reclusive Macon Ravenwood, who the Christian fundamentalists in town believe is a Satanist. That feeling is despite the Ravenwoods having founded Gatlin. Ethan, however, is drawn to Lena, he believing she the girl in the recurring dream he has been having, they which started even before he and Lena met. Some close to Ethan know the secrets of the Ravenwoods, and that Ethan and Lena's meeting was destined as shown by his dreams. As Ethan begins to learn those secrets first hand in trying to get to know and falling for Lena, he may be tied to Lena's fate, for good or bad, the big day being Lena's sixteenth birthday on December 21st. Regardless of that fate, what happens with Lena and by association Ethan, which includes not only his ability to get out of Gatlin as he wants but his life or death, is affected by the arrival of two Ravenwoods that were explicitly not invited, namely Ridley Duchannes, one of Lena's cousins who recently went through the same thing on her sixteenth birthday, and Macon's sister Sarafine.

Unlike his hillbilly classmates in South Carolinian backwater Gatlin, where reenacting the undecided Secession War battle of Honey Hill is the annual highlight, bright Ethan Wate has an open mind and aspires becoming an author like his mother Lila Evans. He soon befriends fellow cultivate nerd Lena Duchannes, who lives in the grand mansion. When she take shim there to meet her guardian Macon Ravenwood, despised by the Bible Belt community, Ethan gets acquainted with her bewildering sorcery dynasty heritage, but isn't daunted, even as more witch kin -Lena's cousin Ridely and Macon's sister Sarafine- arrive, bound to stir more trouble for everyone. Macon teams up with Ethan's medium nurse Amma, instrumental into introducing Lena to her destiny reaching age sixteen, which may turn white or black magic beyond her control, except if Ethan's love primes.

Synopsis Beautiful Creatures 2013

In Gatlin, South Carolina, Ethan Wate awakens from a recurring dream of a girl he does not know. In voice-over narration, he describes his enjoyment of reading banned books, his despair of his small-town existence, and his dreams of leaving for college. Arriving for his first day of junior year, Ethan notices newcomer Lena Duchannes, who resembles the girl he has been dreaming about. The other students do not take kindly to her and spread gossip regarding Lena's reclusive uncle, Macon Ravenwood, and suggest that her family includes devil worshippers. Overhearing these whispers, Lena tenses and the classroom windows shatter, amplifying the fears and suspicions of the class and the townspeople at large that she is a witch.

On a drive home, Ethan nearly runs over Lena, whose car has broken down. He gives her a ride home and the two bond over their shared love of poetry and having both lost their mothers. Ethan drops Lena off but later finds a locket and returns to the mansion to give it to her as a present. The touch of a locket triggers a shared flashback to the American Civil War, after which Ethan awakens at his home. Macon disapproves of their growing romance and conspires with Ethan's family friend, Amma, to keep the two separated. However, Ethan continues to pursue Lena until she confesses that she and her family are "casters," who are capable of performing a variety of magical spells such as changing the weather and casting illusions. On her 16th birthday, Lena's true nature will steer her towards either the light or the dark; Lena fears the latter, as it entails being consumed by evil and hurting those she loves. Ethan insists she is responsible for her own choices and reassures her that she is a good person.

Matters are complicated by the arrival of two immensely powerful dark casters who aim to push Lena to the dark: Ridley, Lena's provocative cousin/childhood friend, and Sarafine, Lena's mother, who has possessed Mrs. Lincoln, the mother of Ethan's friend Link. Sarafine foresees that Lena will become an even more powerful caster and intends for Lena to use her newfound power to purge the Earth of humans, leaving Casters to rule in their wake. Lena and Ethan use the locket to re-experience the whole flashback, which reveals their ancestors, caster Genevieve Duchannes and mortal Confederate soldier Ethan Carter Wate were in love. Ethan Carter was shot in battle and Genevieve revived him using a forbidden spell that caused her to go dark and curse all the Duchannes family's women. They consult with Amma, who is in a seer/keeper of a caster library beneath the town library. The most ancient of these books, the Book of Moons, reveals the secret to undoing the curse: one of Lena's loved ones has to die. Unwilling to take Ethan's life, Lena instead erases his memories of their time together.

Ridley seduces Link and gives him a bullet to use in an upcoming Civil War reenactment of the Battle of Honey Hill which will take place on Lena's birthday. During the reenactment, Link and Ethan agree to "kill" each-other so they can ditch the reenactment. While at the ceremony for her 16th birthday, Lena feels the shock of the curse being broken and runs off to Ethan, clutching his dying body as Ridley and Sarafine encourage her to surrender to grief and accept the dark. Lena lashes out in anger, sending lightning strikes through the crowd of reenactors until Ethan transforms into Macon, who had previously disguised himself as Ethan to become the needed sacrifice. His dying words encourage Lena to "claim yourself"; she then causes the moon to disappear so it cannot claim her for the dark. Lena allows Ridley to flee and pulls Sarafine from Mrs. Lincoln's body, using her power to seal Sarafine's spirit away.

Months later, a still-amnesiac Ethan stops by the library to visit Amma before leaving for a college campus tour with Link. He apologizes to Lena for not having got to know her during their time in Gatlin. Lena is then seen in the caster library, where it is revealed that she has claimed herself as a half dark/light caster. Meanwhile, just after Link drives past the town line, Ethan recalls their memories together. He gets out of the car to call Lena's name. Lena hears and the movie ends.
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